Friday, June 5, 2009

HELP WANTED, we have cookies >:)

i need someone who knows HTML or can teach me HTML in depth.
and someone who can teach me how to put watermarks on photos. -_-

EDIT: Yoshi is now on the design team. and Nayou made watermarks (but i dun know how to use photoshop. lol) anyone who wants to join just comment here and leave your info and intents, you will then go through a screening, and IF we feel like it, a YM confe. have a nice day :)

oh, btw, the screening and confe doesn't apply to people we know IRL, as long as they can keep up with the rest of the blog and actually be helpful

1 comment:

  1. I can help you, if you need help just mail me or visit my web and forum



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